•  COS-LEP Phase 3

    What is the objective?

    Phase 3 will involve exploring outcomes of interest with healthcare providers and end-users directly affected by leptospirosis, to identify outcomes important to these groups

    How will we do this?

    Through focused interviews with participants, we will explore key topics regarding the participant's experience of treatment of leptospirosis as well as potential outcomes of interest.

    What will this add?

    Outcomes lists generated from Phase 1 & 2 will be supplemented by perspectives of the general public and healthcare providers. Future trial target population groups can be identified and acceptability of therapeutic interventions can be explored.

  • Resources and forms for general public and patients

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    Participant Information Form

    Information regarding the COS-LEP Phase 3 study for patients and general public. Provided in .docx format.

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    Consent Form

    Consent form for the COS-LEP Phase 3 study for patients and general public. Provided in .doxc format.

    Resources and forms for healthcare professional

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    Participant Information Form (Healthcare professional)

    Information regarding the COS-LEP Phase 3 study for healthcare professionals. Provided in .docx format.

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    Consent Form (Healthcare professionals)

    Consent form for the COS-LEP Phase 3 study for healthcare professionals. Provided in .doxc format.

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    Phase 3 updates

    Updated 28/8/2024


    Phase 3 currently enrolling at Malaysian site. Further sites to be shortly announced.